Adam Stone has 15 years of experience working as a special education teacher for students of all ages. During that time he won numerous awards including the Visually Impaired Teacher of the Year. After his career change to University of Maryland Medical Systems, he wanted to be able to still have the opportunity to make kids laugh. “As a teacher, my goal was always to make my students enjoy going to school. I found being silly was the best way to engage them and make them want to participate in class. I now have two daughters of my own who are the joys of my life. I love spending time with them, and they tolerate the fact that I am a boy and have no idea how to play correctly.” Adam performed his first magic show in the waiting room of the University of Maryland Medical Center’s pediatric cancer center for a small handful of children and their parents. And a new use for his silly talents came to be.
Adam has a masters degree in Orientation and Mobility and has lectured in Universities around the world. He is comfortable on stage performing for large groups as well as within more intimate settings, such as parties, corporate meetings, weddings, and other social events. He brings humor and joy to everything he does and can make anyone laugh (also in a good way). “I love to bring a little bit of wonder back into the lives of adults, especially through mental magic. If anyone deserves a chance to get away from all of the crushing pressures of life, it’s adults.”
(the magic story, not the birth one)Upon arriving home from work one crisp autumn day, Adam was surprised to discover his two daughters and wife had signed him up to be in the Mid Atlantic Youth Ballet‘s production of The Nutcracker. Â He would be dancing with all of his family and received the role of Drosselmeyer, the magician uncle. Â Strangely, Adam had little personal experience dancing in a ballet and even less with magic. Â Determined to be a good father, he quickly agreed to the task and went about trying to get started learning the craft of magic. Â This mission took Adam down the Yellow Brick Road, quite literally, to Rosedale Md, and the magic shop of Denny Haney called Denny and Lee Magic Studio. Â Denny took Adam under his wing, and the two began working on the logistics of the upcoming Nutcracker performance. Â

Denny Haney at Denny and Lee’s Magic Studio
What began as something he wanted to do just for his kids and beautiful wife, would soon take on a personal element as well. He started carrying cards with him and even practiced different techniques while driving to and from work (yes, he sits in that much traffic on the way to and from work). “I wanted my daughters to see me do something I had to work at, not just something I already knew how to do; I wanted them to see me struggle and get better because I worked hard.” And struggle he did, many of the techniques were very difficult to learn and required hours and hours of practice just to be dexterous enough to get through them slowly, it would take months and months until he was at a level where he could perform for others. Finally, his first day of rehearsal came, thanks to the support and training of Denny, Adam was ready with three brand new illusions never before performed on the Towson stage for MYB’s version of the Nutcracker. Mrs. Nadia Porter-Letnaunchyn, the Mid Atlantic Ballet’s director, was very supportive and gave Adam the confidence he needed to keep moving forward.

Eventually, Adam performed in all three shows, and his life would forever change, all he could think about was the next show, one year away, and the fun he would have. Since then Adam has performed magic for children’s parties, a street party for a local business and as a volunteer at the University of Maryland Hospital in the Children’s Cancer Ward and a local orphanage. If you are interested in having Adam at your upcoming get-together, please click the contact link below to schedule your event.